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Back to School – Primary

August 24, 2015
1 min. read


Back-to-school season can be a busy time for Mom and Dad! Dealing with first-day jitters, teacher conferences, homework help, and packing lunches can be exhausting. But since you know how important a healthy and balanced meal is for your child, here are some tips to make their lunchtime fun and nutritious!

1. Use Martin’s Potato Bread or Martin’s 100% Whole Wheat Potato Bread to make a healthy and delicious sandwich.

Martin’s goes great with everything from pb&j to ham and cheese!


Did you know – Martin’s bread provides great health benefits and is healthier than many other leading brands! Check out the below comparison:

2. Include a custom note or reminder from Mom and Dad.

Cheer them up midday with a surprise note in their lunch box!

For some personalized lunchbox notes, print out this template: Back-to-School Notes.

3. Cut sandwiches into fun shapes!

Make lunch fun for your kid with cute shapes or faces; use custom cookie cutters to shape sandwiches and “accessorize” with fruits, veggies, and snacks!


4. Use dividers or small compartments to organize food items.

This can be a cute way to separate various ingredients or manage portions


5. Create a make-it-yourself meal kit.

Use sliced Potato Bread or Party Potato Rolls with various ingredients and let your kid create their own mini sandwiches or sliders!


For more fun ideas, check our Martin’s Pinterest page:

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