Browse through the following topics to see if your question may have already been answered. If not, feel free to contact us using the link at the bottom of the page.

Product Information

I would like to view/print a brochure for Martin's® products.

Please click the image below to view or download our Retail Product Brochure:

Additional brochures may be found here: https://foodservice.potatorolls.com/product-brochures.

Are there currently any recalls for Martin's® product(s)?

There are no product recalls at this time.

Does your bread offer any specific health benefits?

We use high quality ingredients, such as unbleached, high protein wheat flour (or stone-ground whole wheat flour for our whole wheat product), real nonfat milk (not whey), pure cane sugar (not high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweetener), and real butter (not margarine or other cheap substitutes). Thus, our bread is high in protein, low in fat, low in sodium, and has Calcium, According to the USDA and other sources, there is evidence of health benefits from grains, including iron, calcium, and B vitamins in your diet. For more information about these health benefits: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/eathealthy/grains/grains-nutrients-health

Do you offer gluten-free bread?

Currently none of our bread products are gluten-free. You can’t make bread/rolls the way we do without the naturally occurring protein (gluten) in wheat flour that gives dough the elasticity needed to hold together. If you have celiac disease and cannot eat gluten, we’re sorry that we don’t have a bread product to offer you at this time. We may try a gluten-free item in the future if enough of our customers need it.

Do you have any products for people who are vegetarian or vegan?

All of our products contain dairy so they cannot be considered vegan. However, they would be suitable for a vegetarian lifestyle.

Are your products Kosher?

All of our products are classified as “K Dairy”

What's the best way to store Martin's® bread?

To help your bread stay fresh for a long time, be sure to store it in a dark, dry, cool location. Do not refrigerate it as this will actually make it go stale faster. Also, be careful not to let it sit where it can heat up under lights because condensation can build up inside the bag, which will cause the bread to mold. You can also freeze our bread and then thaw it when you’re ready for a fresh loaf. Our bread lasts a long time if stored properly, and we want you to enjoy your bread as long as possible!

Can bread be refrigerated or frozen?

Because of their high protein content, our rolls and bread freeze very well. We’ve even done taste tests and most people can’t tell the difference between rolls/bread that have been frozen for a couple months and fresh product. (Just be sure to thaw the product completely in the bag before opening it, so the moisture all gets reabsorbed into the bread.) We highly recommend that people do NOT refrigerate our bread and rolls as this will actually make it go stale faster.

Where can I find the best-by date for my product?

The best-by date for each product can be found on the packaging clip (or printed on the bag in the case of Potatobred Stuffing). Keep in mind that the product will last longer than that date after you take it home (see proper storing tips above).

Why is the shelf life for Martin's® products so short?

We want the bread you buy to be fresh! So we replenish our shelves every 3-4 days! That’s a much shorter turnaround time than most other bread companies (which average 7-10 days) because we want you to get fresh product that tastes great and lasts a long time once you get it home! Just one of the reasons why “The Taste Is Golden®”!

There is something white on the outside of the bread/rolls I just bought. What is it?

Just as you would do if you were baking bread at home, we put flour on our pans to keep the dough from sticking. Occasionally there is a little too much and it sticks to the outside of the bread.

I have a concern about a Martin's product I recently purchased. What should I do?

Please fill out our contact form at https://potatorolls.com/contact with as much detail as possible so we can get in touch with you and correct any issues in a timely manner. Be sure to keep the bag clip for the product in question. On the Contact Form, under “Subject” please select ‘Product Feedback’ and enter the Production Code and the Best By Date found on the bag clip for the product. This will help us process your request speedily and efficiently. Thank you!

Product Distribution

Where can I find Martin's® Famous products?

Martin’s® products are currently distributed along the east coast of the United States, from Florida to Maine, and also in Chicago, Nashville, New Orleans, and select areas of Texas. To find a list of specific stores carrying our products near you, please check our store locator here.

Martin’s® products are not distributed in my area. Can I purchase products online or by mail?

If you are out of our distribution area, you may access the online store by entering your zip code in the store locator here.

What if my favorite store does not carry Martin's® products?

You can talk to your store manager about carrying Martin’s® products. Sometimes stores will allow us to put products on their shelves if enough people request us by name.

Why can’t I find the 100% Whole Wheat 12-Sliced (Slider) Potato Rolls anywhere?

From time to time we evaluate our product offerings to verify that we are able to keep store shelves stocked with everyone’s favorite high quality bread and rolls, and that we are utilizing our bakeries and equipment the most efficiently and effectively as possible in order to make that happen. Unfortunately, that sometimes means that we must discontinue making certain products in order to use our equipment to make more of another product. At this time and for this reason, we decided to discontinue making Martin’s® 100% Whole Wheat 12-Sliced Slider Potato Rolls. We apologize if this causes you disappointment, but we encourage you to try our 100% Whole Wheat Potato Bread for your whole grain needs and our regular 12-Sliced Slider Potato Rolls for your sliders. We appreciate your support.


Do Martin's® products contain any artificial coloring?

As of August 1, 2014, we have removed the color additives FD&C Yellow #5 & #6 from our products. Instead we are using turmeric (which is derived from turmeric plants) and annatto (which is extracted from annatto seeds) to give our products their signature golden color. We were very excited to make this change, as many of you have requested it, and we believe that our products are even better because of it! We would like to point out, however, that these more natural colorings are rather sensitive to sunlight, temperature, and humidity. This means the color can fade and cause the rolls to look slightly different than they have in the past. Turmeric and annatto do not affect the flavor and taste, though, and are more natural alternatives to synthetic dyes, so we think this is a great trade-off. We hope you do too! For more information regarding past ingredient changes, click here.

Do any of your products contain common allergens?

Our products contain wheat and milk, both of which are common allergens. We recommend that you always check the ingredient labels on the packaging for the most up-to-date information.

Are your products safe for people with peanut and tree-nut allergies?

Yes. All of our products are manufactured in a plant that does not process peanuts or tree nuts.

Do your products contain sesame?

Our products contain sesame.  We recommend that persons with sesame allergies not eat our products. We understand that many would-be customers either purposefully avoid sesame products or live with an unfortunate allergy to sesame and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.

Do your products contain soybean oil?

We use sunflower oil instead of soybean oil or coconut oil. In taste tests we discovered that sunflower oil actually improves the flavor of our products, while also allowing us to offer non-GMO products. (Unlike soybeans, sunflowers are not commercially available in genetically engineered forms.) It’s a win-win! As always, please check the packaging for the most up-to-date information.

Do your products contain High Fructose Corn Syrup?

No, all of our products contain real cane sugar.

Do your products contain azodicarbonamide (ADA)?

In 2014, we removed the dough conditioner, Azodicarbonamide, from all of our products. It became evident that our customers would prefer that our products did not contain this ingredient, and in our desire to continue developing and changing to serve and meet the needs of our customers, we were thrilled to be able to make this change! For more information regarding our recent ingredients changes, click here.

Do your products contain GMOs?

We source non-GMO ingredients. For more information, visit: https://potatorolls.com/news-updates/ and click the “Non-GMO” tab or view the below FAQ section labeled “Non-GMO.”

Do any of your products contain preservatives?

Our products contain calcium propionate, a mold inhibitor. For more information about this ingredient, go to the FDA website: http://www.fda.gov/food/ingredientspackaginglabeling/gras/scogs/ucm260895.htm


Questions and answers regarding our non-GMO standards:

We source ingredients that are non-GMO. The following FAQs address our standards for determining that the ingredients we source for the products we sell in the United States are non-GMO.

(The European Union and other markets in which our products are distributed have laws regarding the use of genetically modified products. In those jurisdictions, our products comply with applicable laws.)

What do we mean by non-GMO?

“GMO” is an acronym for genetically modified organism. We use the more popular term GMO as a synonym for the narrower, more precise term “bioengineered food.” United States federal law defines bioengineered food as a food that contains genetic material that has been modified through in vitro recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) techniques and for which the modification could not otherwise be obtained through conventional breeding or found in nature.

Please note the following important qualifications regarding our definition of non-GMO:

  • Our products may contain limited amounts of GMO materials as a result of contact with such materials during harvest, production, and transportation.
  • The yeast and certain additives we use, including ascorbic acid and enzymes, are not GMO themselves, but may be produced with the aid of or derived from GMOs in some instances.
  • The milk and butter we use is not organic and we generally source these ingredients from US suppliers. In the US, feed for cows that produce non-organic milk and butter typically includes GMO ingredients such as GMO corn. The feed, then, fed to the cows that produce our milk and butter undoubtedly contains GMO ingredients. However, the cows themselves are not genetically modified.

Are GMO foods safe?

We are not aware of any consensus within the scientific community to the effect that foods that include GMO ingredients are any more dangerous than their non-GMO counterparts.

Did Martin’s® change any of its ingredients to make its products non-GMO?

Yes. Most of the key ingredients we use in our products, including wheat flour and wheat gluten, are not commercially available in GMO forms. However, certain categories of ingredients that we use do include GMO options (e.g., potato flour, oil, and sugar).

As part of our commitment to sourcing non-GMO ingredients, we replaced certain ingredients with ingredients that are not commercially available in GMO forms. For example, we replaced soybean oil and soy lecithin, which are widely available in the US in GMO forms, with, respectively, sunflower oil and sunflower lecithin, which are not commercially available in GMO forms.

(Sugar may be derived from certain plants, such as sugar beets, that are widely available in the US in GMO forms. However, we have long sourced the sugar we use in our products from sugarcane, which is not commercially available in GMO forms. Also, while GMO potatoes are now commercially available, we continue to source non-GMO potato flour.)

How does Martin’s® determine whether its product ingredients are non-GMO?

How we determine that our product ingredients are non-GMO depends on the ingredient. In some cases, we obtain a certification from our supplier to the effect that the ingredient they are providing us is non-GMO. In other cases, we rely upon the fact that the ingredient we source is not commercially available as a GMO (e.g., wheat flour and wheat gluten). With respect to certain (but not all) categories of ingredients that do include GMO options (e.g., oil, lecithin, and sugar), we source ingredients (sunflower oil, sunflower lecithin, and cane sugar) that are not commercially available as GMOs.

In addition to one or both of these evaluation methods, we also perform periodic Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing on our products to determine the presence of certain GMO ingredients. In such tests, we regard the product as satisfying our non-GMO standard if any GMO material for which we test accounts for less than 0.9% of the applicable ingredient. Given the limitations of such tests, however, we primarily rely upon our suppliers’ representations to us and the fact that most of our ingredients are not commercially available as GMOs.

For more information regarding the standards we use to determine whether our ingredients are non-GMO, see our answer to the question above, “What do we mean by non-GMO?”

How does Martin’s® non-GMO standard relate to the US GMO labeling law?

United States federal law, specifically the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, requires that the label for a bioengineered food must include a bioengineered food disclosure.  Our non-GMO standard is consistent with the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard and the products we sell in the United States are not required to include a bioengineered food disclosure.

For more information on the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, see Part 66 of Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR Part 66): https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=98e82c0832417def2b4e6931f1df42fd&mc=true&node=pt7.3.66&rgn=div5.

Do any of Martin’s® products contain preservatives?

Yes. Our products contain calcium propionate, a mold inhibitor.

Do any of Martin’s® products contain food additives?

Yes. Our products contain food additives that comply with FDA regulations and other applicable laws.

For more information on food additives and preservatives, see the FDA website: http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/FoodAdditivesIngredients/ucm091048.htm

Company Information

Are Martin's® products made in the US?

Yes! Martin’s® is based out of Chambersburg, PA and has another plant in Valdosta, GA.

Is Martin's® a family-owned company?

Yes! Martin’s® was founded by Lloyd and Lois Martin in 1955 and is still owned and operated by the Martin family to this day.

Does Martin's® have an Ethics Hotline?

Yes – Martin’s® is committed to working together fairly and with integrity. You can read more about our ethics reporting hotline here: https://potatorolls.com/ethics-hotline.

Miscellaneous Information

Does Martin's® offer corporate donations?

If you’d like to request a donation please reach out to corporatedonations@potatorolls.com and be sure to include the following information:

–  Completed Donation Request Form*
–  Copy of Organization’s IRS Determination Letter
–  Contact information for the request (name, phone number and email)
–  If possible, a completed W-9 form for the organization

*Please note, there is a two tray minimum requirement on all requests.

For a copy of the requested forms, and additional information, please click here.

Does Martin's® offer sponsorships?

If requesting a sponsorship, please email sponsorship information as well as items listed in bullets 2-4 above to corporatedonations@potatorolls.com.

Do you offer tours of your bakery?

We are not able to offer tours of our baking facility, but we do offer tours of The Golden Roll: Martin’s Visitor Center which provides guests with the chance to experience a look back through Martin’s® heritage. You can visit the visitor center page and schedule a tour by clicking here.

Do you offer any coupons?

Yes! You can sign up for our email newsletter here to receive monthly coupons.

We also occasionally offer coupons for special engagement on our Facebook page here.

Where can I find Martin’s® MRF files?

Click here for Martin’s® MRF files.

How do I obtain a copy of the 1095C document?

You may request a copy of the 1095C by:

  1. Contacting Human Resources at hr@potatorolls.com or 717-262-1743
  2. Submitting a written request to 1000 Potato Roll Ln, Chambersburg, PA 17202, ATTN: Human Resources.

Job Opportunities

What positions are open now?

You can see all of our job opportunities at any time by visiting here. You can filter by different criteria based on what your interests are, and we are always keeping this page up to date when new openings become available.

How can I apply for an open position?

From the Job Opportunities page, select a position you would like to apply for. Review the description and then use the Apply Online button at the bottom to fill out your online application.

How will the hiring process work/when can I expect to hear something?

Once an opening has been posted for a couple of weeks, our recruitment team will be looking through applications and asking applicants to join us for an interview. If you are selected for an interview, you will hear from one of our recruiters.

I applied a while ago. Do you still have my application?

We keep all applicant info on file for a year. However, if the position you first applied for is closed, and you now want to be considered for a different opening, we recommend that you reapply for the new opening. You can do this by clicking the Apply Online button on one of our postings.

Do you accept interns?

Yes, we do. We usually have several paid interns throughout the year in various areas. Feel free to email your resume to hr@mfps.com and tell us what you are interested in.

What if I am interested in working in one of your departments, but there are no current openings in that area?

We encourage you to keep checking back on our website. We aren’t always sure when a position is going to become available, but when one does, it will be posted there. Then at that time you can submit an application through the website.

What if I don't have an email address to fill out the application?

That’s okay. In that field on the application you can enter none@none.com since it is a required field on the application form.

Food Service/International Use

How can I acquire Martin’s® products for my food service needs?

Martin’s® has established relationships with various distributors and exporters who help make our products available for both domestic and international food service needs. Please contact us for more details so that we can fulfill your food service needs.

Are Martin’s® products available outside of the US?

Martin’s® products are available for food service use (restaurants, etc.) outside of the US. If you own a restaurant/food service establishment, please visit our food service site at https://foodservice.potatorolls.com or fill out our Food Service Contact Form.

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