This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 14-20) with Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th. Each day this week, try making a conscious effort to perform kind acts for those around you – whether for a family member, or a stranger you just met. A little bit of encouragement can really make someone’s day, and you never know how much a small act can mean to someone. You may even cause a chain reaction and get others to “pay it forward.”
Take a look at our list of 25 ideas for Random Acts of Kindness, then interact with us on our Facebook page or use the entry form below to submit your own ideas. For every #RandomActsofKindness photo or video submission on our Facebook page, we will donate $1 to The Hope Center. Get the full details on our Facebook page.
Watch the below video for a short example to get you started.
25 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas:
Leave an encouraging note for someone
Put coins in an expired parking meter
Offer to clear snow from a neighbor’s car
Let someone in front of you in line
Leave an extra nice tip for a waiter or waitress at a restaurant
Make a meal for someone
Hold open the door for someone
Donate clothing to charity
Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru or fast food restaurant
Post a positive review online for a product or business
Send cards to people in nursing homes
Offer someone your seat on the train or subway
Let someone merge in front of you in traffic
Tell a cashier or store clerk they are doing a good job
Lend a good book to a friend
Donate food to a food pantry
Call a family member to talk “just because”
Introduce yourself to someone new at work or church
Thank a public service figure
Help someone carry their grocery bags
Bring in snacks for your coworkers
Let someone have the closer parking spot
Leave a “thank you” note or gift for the delivery person
Help pick up trash on the side of the road
Help out at a soup kitchen or charity
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